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John F. Kennedy Service Awards

To nominate someone for the John F. Kennedy Service Award please email us at:JFKServiceAwards@peacecorps.govNominations are due by April 29, 2016.The Peace Corps presents the John F. Kennedy Service Awards once every five years to six individuals who have given outstanding service to the Peace Corps, both at home and abroad.Established in 2006, the awards recognize two currently serving Peace Corps Volunteers, two Peace Corps staff members, one Returned Peace Corps Response Volunteer and one Returned Peace Corps Volunteer for contributions beyond their duties to the Agency and the nation. Award recipients must demonstrate exceptional service and leadership and further the Peace Corps’ mission and it’s three goals: to help the people of interested countries meet their needs for trained men and women; to help promote a better understanding of American on the part of the people served; and, to help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.Each member of the Peace Corps family contributes to the agency’s success. The John F. Kennedy Service Awards provide an opportunity to recognize just a few of the many individuals who go beyond the call of duty for the Peace Corps and America every day.via
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