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The World Map Mural Project

The Process Outlining the basic structure of the world with helpers and onlookers, while choosing the size and appropriate dimensions. A blue coat of paint on top of white paint was chosen and applied to mimic water. Volunteer Taylor creating quadrants to help with tracing countries. Sketching countries using world map guidelines. Students meticulously painting within the lines. Saving the world…by painting one country at a time Materials and Supplies
  1. Paint brushes

  2. Paper cups

  3. Erasers

  4. Yarn/String

  5. Meter sticks

  6. Paint

  7. Tarp/Vinyl

  8. Masking tape

  9. Bucket

  10. Permanent marker Finishing Touches We would like to show our appreciation and gratitude to West Demerara Secondary school for supporting us and continuing the Health Family Life Education curriculum. Taylor Laskowski and I facilitated the World Map mural project to support participants interest in geography as well as to support the notion of global citizenship and world peace. Taylor and I made sure that the mural project closely coincided with a lesson about safe environmental practices.I would like to take this opportunity to thank FROG Friends & RPCVs of Guyana non-profit organization for supporting World Map mural project. In addition, we would like to give a special thanks to Headmaster Sir Harry and social studies teacher Ms. Phulmattie, and faculty, staff and students at W. Demerara Secondary school for making this mural project a successful one.

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